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The Lovers

You can see in this card two lovers standing in harmony, nude meaning they hide nothing from one another. The picture itself in the card implies that someone has to make a decision to go for temptation or not. They know that to have success in their lives together that they have to balance the subconscious with conscious desires.

The Lovers Upright

When this card show up in a spread it tells us we have choices to make. It also tells us that we are human and struggle between sacred

and promiscuous love. Because of these two things this card also represents the balance between our inner feelings and outer aspects of our lives. This card is also the card of harmony and unions. It tells us to choose with our heart and not with our intellects. The lovers card can also represent difficult choices that are not related to love.

When we see this card it’s about a test that we are going through in relationship to considering our commitments. It can represent a struggle between two paths, abstract thought and harmony, internal harmony and union between two people as well as second sight. The lovers indicates desire, a new lover, relationships, physical attraction, love, sex and commitment. This card is about duty versus our hearts desires. How the choice we make affects the rest of our lives. It also speaks of taking a risk that would lead to fulfillment and your hearts desires instead of playing the easy and safe route in love. It also says once the decision is made if you stay dutiful you will receive the same.

The Lovers

You can see in this card two lovers standing in harmony, nude meaning they hide nothing from one another. The picture itself in the card implies that someone has to make a decision to go for temptation or not. They know that to have success in their lives together that they have to balance the subconscious with conscious desires.

The Lovers Reversed

When this card appears reversed it show us the possibility of a poor choice was made as well as quarrels and infidelity in a relationship. The reversed Lovers is telling us we need to stabilize our emotions. It implies we need to get in touch with our rational selves not our carnal selves. In this position it suggests lust, moral collapse, temptation, indecision, separation, a failed love affair, emotional loss.

When it appears reversed lovers can mean an unhappy love relationship and you don’t know what to do about it. There is contradiction, deception, duality and one’s own internal conflict. It is telling of infidelity and romantic disturbances. It indicates the person is indecisive and postpones decisions on choices. It also warns that this is not the time to make final decisions on an important matter. Finally it also speaks of the fact that you are being untrue to your own morals.